ELC’s Book Character Parade

We enjoyed a fantastic day on Friday celebrating ELC’s annual Book Character Parade and the Elephant Trunk Awards. The winning books the children voted for this year are, drum roll…

K1-2: How to Apologize, by David LaRochelle
Y1-3: Mixed-A Colorful Story, by Arree Chung
Y4-6: SumoKitty, by David Biedrzycki

Children and teachers alike dressed in their character costumes or were clues to their favourite books – can you spot, amongst others, ‘Stick Man,’ ‘Zita the Spacegirl’, and ‘Leif the Leaf?

00 Elc Elephant Trunk Awards
02 Elc Book Character Parade 07
04 Elc Book Character Parade 09

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Power of Play
The importance of play is increasingly being recognised as the research evidence mounts of its relationship with social and emotional wellbeing and intellectual development.