loy krathong

Children delight in participating in this beautiful festival full of lights, and flowers. Natural flowers, and candles are placed on banana leaf Krathongs, each celebrating the unique design of the hand of each young artisan. The day is rich in anticipation, each child wondering the auspicious location where they will loy their Krathong on the evening of the full moon of the twelfth lunar month. A truly beautiful, and memorable festival for all.

Thai Culture Year 3 | City School International School Bangkok
Thai Culture Year 4 | The City School International School Bangkok
World music
Dsc 0077 Copy
Dsc 0071 Copy
Loy Krathong ELC International School Bangkok

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stories from ELC

Year 4 Project: Journeys of Wisdom
For their Project this year, our Year 4 children embarked on an extraordinary journey into outer space. Each journey, we believe, is a repository of knowledge and wisdom. We live in a world abundant with data and information, but wisdom is scarce, and this became an anchor point in their Project journey. Inspired by the James Webb Telescope, and talks with NASA expert, the children set about to design their very own exoplanet.