Music performance

Across the school, our children have been showcasing their musical learning journeys this year. Through concert performance, the children are able to share their learning with their families and wider school community. Music ignites all areas of child development; intellectual, emotional, motor, and language skills, and nurtures the foundational skills of self-discipline and self-confidence.

This term, we have been focusing on concepts of pitch and rhythmic notation: in year 1, the children have been learning the solfege hand signs for 3 specific pitches – so, mi, and la, and how to match actions with specific word patterns in a song. By the upper years these concepts have progressed so children are able to read and write pitch notation for a variety of world folk songs, from the UK to Brazil and can read rhythmic notation for the pieces which they sing and play.

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stories from ELC

Co-Constructing a Climate-Resilient Future: Putting Our Trust in the Children
On UN Earth Day this week, our Head of The City School, Dr. Lea, and our Y1-2 Project Coordinator, Ms. Sam, presented a webinar to the international educational and development community entitled ‘Co-Constructing a Climate-Resilient Future: Putting Our Trust in the Children’, with a participating audience of professionals from Bangladesh to Ethiopia, Nepal to the US. Hosted by the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood, and in collaboration with Save the Children, our educators showcased how ELC’s The City School is committed to empowering children to prepare for climate resilience and work for sustainable development, and how our Reggio Emilia approach to education cultivates those skills and character for our children to be world-changers.