2024 Carnival of Cultures World Tour

Last Friday we celebrated some of the many beautifully diverse cultures in our City School inquiry based learning community with our annual Carnival of Cultures. The children had their ‘passports’ ready to be stamped as they took a trip around the world; they visited the USA, UK, Netherlands, Thailand, Taiwan, Italy, Iran, Canada, India, and Nepal, to learn about their cultures and arts through hands-on activities, immersive experiences, and by sampling the local snacks.

From crafting a classical Thai mask to tasting some homemade Italian gelato, from performing a UK Morris Dance to making their own Indian ‘rotis’ – the children had a wonderful time at our international kindergarten in Bangkok! Many thanks, as always, go to all our City School parents who led the country pavilions.

2024 Carnival of Cultures World Tour
performing a UK Morris Dance
learn about many country cultures and arts through hands-on activities
tasting some homemade Italian gelato
crafting a classical Thai mask
a kid has fun with the game

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