Diversity is not how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness.

Ola Joseph

At ELC, we celebrate individuality and difference. We recognise that there is no universal childhood, and far from trying to dissolve or overcome difference, we aspire to a sense of unity in which difference is integrated. We build mutual respect for the particularities that make each one of us unique, which helps children grow together in empathy and sows interconnection and interdependence. Drawing strength from acknowledging and honouring our different identities, we can nurture a community that strives to critically engage with the issues, problems, and perspectives that affect us all, and emboldens the children’s sense of belonging to a common humanity with shared values and responsibilities.

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stories from ELC

Co-Constructing a Climate-Resilient Future: Putting Our Trust in the Children
On UN Earth Day this week, our Head of The City School, Dr. Lea, and our Y1-2 Project Coordinator, Ms. Sam, presented a webinar to the international educational and development community entitled ‘Co-Constructing a Climate-Resilient Future: Putting Our Trust in the Children’, with a participating audience of professionals from Bangladesh to Ethiopia, Nepal to the US. Hosted by the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood, and in collaboration with Save the Children, our educators showcased how ELC’s The City School is committed to empowering children to prepare for climate resilience and work for sustainable development, and how our Reggio Emilia approach to education cultivates those skills and character for our children to be world-changers.