It’s UN Earth Day today, and here at ELC we join with others around the world in actively working to make the planet more equal, fair, and sustainable. At ELC, our approach is to integrate local and global environmental issues into learning as part of our wider Global Citizenship education. Some of the many ways in which the children have addressed environmental sustainability issues through Project work include: designing a rainwater collection system; designing a robot to clean plastics from the ocean; and designing a living wall/vertical garden. This year’s theme for Earth Day is ‘invest in our world’; the children have been exploring the meanings of ‘invest’ to understand the idea of spending time and effort on something you believe to be worthwhile, and discussing what actions they can take which will help to protect the planet. Today you can see the children in K2 talking about the ways we can care for our planet within our own ELC community and the Y4 children’s Earth Day pledges as they consider the UN Global Goals, particularly Global Goal 17 – partnerships for the Goals: we can all do our part ‘to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). It’s going to take all of us.’
As part of their identity panel, our Y5-6 children have been spending time in our Theatre of Imagination atelier, experimenting with the languages of light, shadow, and photography to explore identity.