K1 project

In Izzy and Nicole’s K1 class at our Bangkok international school, the children’s interest in photography led us to investigate the hidden places of ELC. They took photos and later used graphic representation to imagine what lies just beyond what we can see. We are excited to share our imaginative narratives with our parents during our Project Learning Journey presentations.

Part One Izzy And Nicole Plj Post 3
Part Two Izzy And Nicole Plj Post
Part 3 Izzy And Nicole Plj Post 1
Part 4 Izzy And Nicole Plj Post 1

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stories from ELC

Year 4 Project: Journeys of Wisdom
For their Project this year, our Year 4 children embarked on an extraordinary journey into outer space. Each journey, we believe, is a repository of knowledge and wisdom. We live in a world abundant with data and information, but wisdom is scarce, and this became an anchor point in their Project journey. Inspired by the James Webb Telescope, and talks with NASA expert, the children set about to design their very own exoplanet.